My Favorite Meditations + Tips To Make It A Habit

From morning meditation to meditation for sleep and everything in between, this wellness habit is worth the hype. This post shares meditation recommendations and tips for making it a consistent habit.


Surprisingly, healthy eating isn’t only about food. Our stress level and mindset in life can impact our motivation, energy, attitude and also how we eat and digest. All the lifestyle areas are connected, and when they’re more balanced, we feel good and find it easier to be consistent.

The Mediterranean Diet isn’t just a diet, but a collection of lifestyle habits that work synergistically to boost well-being. I think meditation is a great, everyday tool to take a moment for ourselves and get grounded. Plus, it can have some substantial health and mood benefits. I personally love starting my day with meditation, but it’s a great tool anytime.

People have a lot of resistance to meditation, and I totally get it. It’s been challenging to find meditations that I actually like and would do again. With so many choices out there, it can be hard to choose or find the right ones for you, so I wanted to share specific meditations to inspire your own routine. I also think it helps to have several go to options to choose from in the moment.

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The Best Time To Meditate

The best time to meditate is literally whenever you’ll do it.

  • When you feel activated/dysregulated

  • Before getting out of bed in the morning

  • After a morning workout

  • Lunch break

  • When you get home from work, before making dinner

  • Before bed

Helpful Tips

Make It A Ritual

I like treating meditation like self care or self indulgence. Since I like to start my day with it, I stack my fluffy pillows and get super cozy (propped up/sitting, to not fall asleep). Then I use a fluffy, soft eye mask, and sink in. I find creating a cozy external environment helps foster one internally too. Whenever you choose to meditate, get comfortable and supported. Light a candle or use good fake ones for ambiance, grab your favorite blanket and have something soft to support your head or neck if sitting in a chair.

Use a Sleep Mask You Love

I’ve been using a Lunya silk mask (pink and navy) for years. It’s super soft and isn’t tight. And it feels so luxurious. I think having helpful tools that we love can add excitement to repetitive habits, so they spark joy long term.

Find a Consistent Time

Our bodies like routine. The more automatic and repetitive a habit can be, the easier it is to stick with. Part of this process is trigger and response. This is why having a consistent bedtime routine improves sleep habits. It can help to prioritize meditation at the same time each day because it conditions your body to expect it. The trigger might be waking up, a lunch break, getting home from work or laying in bed before going to sleep.

Start with Easy

You’ll have an easier time starting a new habit and sticking with it if you make the entry point as easy as possible. Maybe you start out listening to guided meditation while you cook, or walk. Maybe you sit on your sofa before turning the tv on and listen to a 5 minute guided meditation. Find what might work for you and feels super approachable.

Meditation Recommendations

Mantra Meditation

For anyone interested in dipping their toes into mantra meditation, I found the book Bliss More to be so helpful in learning about it. In reality, you could repeat your own affirmations, but specific sounds can work differently (which is why Transcendental and Vedic can be so powerful). Mantra meditation is also a great launching point to get settled and pair with other meditations.

Nikki Dyer Meditations

I recently found this channel for guided meditation when I wanted some variety. She has quick and delightful guided meditations for free on her Youtube channel. There’s a lot of options to choose from, like meditations for stress and anxiety to self growth. Here’s a few that might be helpful:

Leo Max on Insight Timer

Leo, who specializes in hypnosis, has some wonderful meditations for free on Insight Timer. His style helps get into a deep rest quickly and can shift the subconscious mind.

Do you have any go-to favorite meditations? Share them in the comments!